Cruz'n 76 ~ How it came about

This blog came about because of the large amount of time I spend driving up and down Highway 76 in the Land of Enchantment. This blog will give a glimpse of my everyday observations and people that I've seen while traveling along this enticing stretch of highway. Highway 76 is known as the High Road to Taos, stretching between mile marker 1 in Española and ending approximately 30 miles north at the "T" in Peñasco (which leads to Taos). It's a beautiful stretch of highway that cuts through the gently winding city streets of Española to the steep inclines of the high mountain villages that surround my hometown. It happens to be the road I take to and from work each day. It also happens to be the road I take to go see my dear mother (who lives 7 miles away from me), and it's the road I take to go to the store, the post office, my friends homes, and any other place I need to go.... therefore, I spend ALOT of time Cruz'n 76!

Hope you'll come along for the ride......

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