Jan. 11, 2010

Monday mornings are always the same... usually I get out the door just a few minutes late, the laziness of the weekend still lingering in my head. This morning Hwy 76 was unusually quiet...with hardly no cars to be seen. I adjusted my radio, trying to find an upbeat song to get me going. Then just when I think I'm the only person awake on this side of the hill, a familiar car comes barreling around the bend. I recognize the gold colored car in the oncoming lane as that of Suzie the nurse who lives in the next town. I meet her every day or so while we're both making our way to work. I call her a nurse, yet I don't know if she even works as a nurse anymore. It's been years since I actually spoke to her, yet I see her every day on the road and feel close to her. Every time I pass her on the road, I notice her head cocked to the side. It always seems like she's very tired or weary. I think about how every day she passes by the house where her mother lived. Her mother passed away last year, and I'm sure it's very sad for her to pass by her mother's house twice every day ~ on her way to work and then home again. I pray a quick prayer for Suzie that she may get to work safe and ask God to please take care of her mother. Her mother and my mother were very good friends in school, so I somehow feel her pain. Even though I still have my mother, I imagine it must be very, very painful to lose such a precious thing in life. We never know where the road in life will lead us..........

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