Jan. 12, 2009

Today Hwy 76 is taking me in the other direction. I'm taking the whole day off of work to take my husband to Santa Fe for a couple of doctor appointments. Our first appointment of the day is with Dr. Hoverson, the Gastroenterologist at 10:45 a.m., so we leave home around 8:00 a.m. to give ourselves plenty of time to get there. The next appointment is at 2:00 p.m. with Dr. Lorusso at the Cancer Center. The day starts out chilly, but the heater from the 4Runner is blasting hot air in our faces for the first few miles of our trip. For some reason, driving through Ojo Sarco towards Truchas, reminds me of the countless trips my husband and I have taken down this road to go to the Cancer Center for my treatments during my bouts with cancer. Alot of time was spent driving down 76 to get to my beloved "cocktail bar" that I endured not only once, but twice in my lifetime. And now, the thought of my husband having the dreaded disease is almost too much to bear. This particular stretch of the road reminds me of how my husband Joey and I would pray the rosary every day at the start of our trip. We would insert the Rosary CD the minute we would hit the highway and it would take us approximately 30 minutes to finish. By the time we would turn off of 76 onto Medina Road, we would be finished and ready to start our day. Saying the Rosary to start our day always made the cancer problem seem smaller. I make a mental note to myself, to get the CD off the shelf to put in this new vehicle...just in case. Nothing like starting your day with prayer..........

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